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Friday, March 15, 2013

Fashion Posts on my NEW BLOG - Check it out for MORE!

Just wanted to let you guys know now that Spring has rolled in I am posting Outfit of the Day photos on my blog : )

 Please be sure and check there if you are interested as I am no longer posting content on this blog. 

I know a lot of you are still reading this one but I am really trying to have everyone transition to the new blog.

You can find the new blog HERE --->

I am posting fashion, beauty, shopping, nails, etc. 

Thanks so much!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Another Post on my NEW BLOG - Haul

For the full post with tons of pictures, links and additional information please visit my NEW BLOG 

I am NO LONGER posting full content on this blog! 

I am in the process of phasing it out so please join my new site if you enjoy my posts. I am blogging DAILY so far.

Thank you! 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Reviw on Chloe Flats now on my NEW BLOG!

For more pictures and a complete review please visit my NEW BLOG 
as I will no longer be posting original content on this blog.

I hope to see some of you there! 
I am enjoying my new blog with daily posts.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Starting Fresh - Holly Ann-AeRee 2.0

It's been almost a year and a half since my last post on here but I wanted to let you know I have decided to come 


But not here. lol. I have started a new blog - you can still go to to be re-directed BUT it is an entirely NEW blog so you will need to follow that one (not this one) to see all my new posts. (technically the blog is now) 

So I hope you will join me! I am so excited to start fresh! 

Here are a few more details as to why the change and what you can expect from my new blog! 

Holly Ann-AeRee 2.0 - Let's Go!

Well, well, well...fancy seeing you here. 

I bet a lot of you didn't expect to see me back on the blog scene! It's been almost a year and a half since my last post. O_O I actually have not forgotten about blogging and have truly missed it! Truthfully I had really wanted to start developing a website not using the blogger format but it hasn't happened yet and I miss blogging so here were are!

I feel like I can post more content here and do so more frequently than creating an entire video for myYouTube channel. (Plus it's something I can do sitting in my bed wearing pjs lol. You guys know I am already up at all kinds of weird hours, now that time won't be wasted by web surfing or HuluPlus - I can actually post content for you!)

As some of you may have noticed I've been getting more and more into OOTD posts, shoes, etc. and I would love to share those things with you in more detail than Instagram or Twitter. (Sometimes one picture or a tiny collage isn't going to cut it. lol.) I am hoping that here I can share all of my interests with you, even some that don't get touched on in my videos. 

So here it is Holly Ann-AeRee 2.0 

I am so excited to get started and hope many of you will join me here. I feel like I never fully got into my blog before - My posts weren't that interesting (to me) and the pics were never as high quality as I would have liked (which is part of the reason I stopped) but now that I have been doing YouTube for a few years I think that I have really grown and developed a better idea of the type of content I want to send out to the world and I am confident that I can turn this into something I am really proud of. 


P.S. I may need help adding certain things - blogger has changed since the last time I was on here! >_< lol. Be prepared for questions on Twitter or Facebook!

Sunday, October 16, 2011